Noel Thomas Kalunda, Founder
Fifteen-thousand children currently roam the streets of Uganda; they tragically fall into drugs and sex trafficking. Noel, as a deacon project of First Presbyterian Church of Kampala, started two boarding schools to provide children with a safe place to live and a Christian education that equips them for every good service and for God’s glory.
SNSGlobal states: We believe our Lord has a tender place in his heart for children. Unfortunately, human trafficking is a global problem which is especially acute in economically depressed areas. Children who have been trafficked, children who are the result of their mother having been trafficked, children whose parents cannot afford to feed them, and children who have physical challenges are especially at risk.
This ministry seeks to provide a place for children to be nurtured and educated with a view to providing all the tools they need to flourish.
Different areas of Uganda have differing levels of danger associated with operations. Our existing campus – Luther Christian Academy – is in a relatively stable area of the country. Our new campus – Calvin Christian School – is to be located near the Kenyan border in an area known to be of increased human trafficking activity. It is expected the danger of operating in this area will be increased, but this is also an area of greater need.
We are a relatively new organization. Our hearts are with the children of Uganda and we strive to keep administrative expenses to a minimum so that we can make maximum use of each dollar to directly impact the ministry. A visiting board member of SNSGlobal stated “When I visited Uganda, it was heartbreaking to see the number of children on the street. It was equally fulfilling to see the difference in the lives of the children in Luther Christian Academy. They are well fed and securely housed. They are attended to by teachers and staff who love them and are committed to seeing that they are equipped “for every good service and for God’s glory”.